Several Payment Options Available

Flexible payment programs can be arranged! We accept health savings cards and flexible spending cards. Many patients pay directly for care as they discover chiropractic treatment to be extremely cost-effective and affordable.

Care Credit

We currently work with Care Credit, which is a company that finances your health needs.  This company is not just for Chiropractic care, but for any type of medical care you may need.  Please ask our staff or Dr. Morse for more details.

Credit Cards Accepted

We want to do everything we can to help you achieve your optimal health potential therefore, we don’t want finances to get in the way of you getting the proper health care you need.  For your convenience we accept all major credit cards.


Health Savings and Flexible Spending Cards Accepted

We accept health savings cards and flexible spending cards to offer patients an affordable and cost-effective means for treatment. Please ask our staff or Dr. Morse for more details.


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NYC Corrective Chiropractic Care

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